2020-08-05 | EVERY BELIEVER
Ephesians 4:11-12: And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ.
Promise Keepers.org
Benham brothers – Wanted to be in “full time ministry.”
The Holy Spirit told them to “Go to work.”
Started a real estate business, teaching Christian principles, realized they were in full time ministry.
Three truths they emphasize:
a. Every believer is a minister
b. Every believer is on a mission
c. Work is an act of worship
Tonight: Every Believer is a Minister
4 key words from Ephesians 4:12
Who are the saints?
How would the world answer that question?
How would some Christians answer that question?
How does the Word answer that question?
A saint is a believer in Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 1:1 – To the saints who are in Ephesus, and faithful in Christ Jesus
Saint is literally set apart ones, holy people.
We are declared holy and righteous through faith in Jesus Christ.
The Holy Spirit is our helper who helps us grow in who we are in Christ.
Che Han – The Lord spoke to him at 17 years old, “Throw away your drugs, never take them again. Leave this concert and follow Me.”
What is a minister?
Minister – A servant
Who are the ministers at Joy Church?
To Minister is to serve God and to serve people.
What are some acts of ministry? What does ministry look like?
Every believer is a minister of Jesus Christ!
Phil Chain – Missionary – I felt the God of Heaven and Earth use me, and I discovered that there is nothing in the world like that.
Equipping – to put a broken bone back into place
Equipping – To mend a broken fishing net.
When we see ourselves as disqualified, it puts holes in the gospel net.
Gospel Net – The whole church reaching the whole world with the whole Gospel.
In Acts 9:10 Ananias was just a disciple but he ministered to the Apostle Paul.
What does edify mean?
Edify means to build up.
What happens when every believer becomes a minister and serves God and serve people?
The Body of Christ is built up.
The Body of Christ will grow spiritually, relationally, and numerically.
Acts 2:45 – And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.