Fasting – Abstaining from food for spiritual purposes
We are abstaining from social media and screen entertainment for spiritual purposes.
What are some of those spiritual purposes?
1. Fasting positions us to spend more time with Jesus
Luke 10:39 – “And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Jesus’ feet and heard His Word.”
2. Fasting positions us to better hear His voice
John 10:27 – “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.”
3. Fasting positions us to pray Spirit-directed prayers
Romans 8:26 – “Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.”
4. Fasting positions us to better release His power
Matthew 17:21 – “However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.”
Elijah is a powerful example of someone who partnered with the Holy Spirit and saw great power released through prayer.
James 5:16b – “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”
James 5:17 – “Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months.”
James 5:18 – “And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit.”
The Holy Spirit is calling us to fervent prayer for revival in our hearts, in our families, in the Church, in our city, in our nation, and for the nations.
How do we see God’s power released through prayer?
A. Be directed by the Holy Spirit in our prayers and declarations
1 Kings 17:1 – “And Elijah the Tishbite, of the inhabitants of Gilead, said to Ahab, ‘As the Lord God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, except at my word.’”
Those who worshipped Baal believed Baal controlled the weather.
B. Believe that deep repentance will open the door to revival fire
1 Kings 18:36 – “And it came to pass, at the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, that Elijah the prophet came near and said, ‘Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, let it be known this day that You are God in Israel and I am Your servant, and that I have done all these things at Your Word.’”
1 Kings 18:37 – “’Hear me, O Lord, hear me, that this people may know that You are the Lord God, and that You have turned their hearts back to You again.’”
1 Kings 18:38 – “Then the fire of the Lord fell and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood and the stones and the dust, and it licked up the water that was in the trench.”
1 Kings 18:39 – “Now when the people saw it, they fell on their faces; and they said, ‘The Lord, He is God! The Lord, He is God!’”
The fire of revival brings deep repentance and holiness.
C. Begin to pray for the rain of refreshing after the fire of repentance
1 Kings 18:41 – “Then Elijah said to Ahab, ‘Go up, eat and drink, for there is the sound of abundance of rain.’”
1 Kings 18:42 – “So Ahab went up to eat and drink. And Elijah went up to the top of Carmel; then he bowed down on the ground, and put his face between his knees,”
1 Kings 18:43 – “And said to his servant, ‘Go up now, look toward the sea.’ So he went up and looked, and said, ‘There is nothing.’ And seven times he said, ‘Go again.’”
1 Kings 18:44a – “Then it came to pass the seventh time, that he said, ‘There is a cloud, as small as man’s hand, rising out of the sea!’”
1 Kings 18:46 – “Then the hand of the Lord came upon Elijah; and he girded up his loins and ran ahead of Ahab to the entrance of Jezreel.”