James 1:17 – “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with Whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.”

Our natural abilities are a gift from God.

He also gives supernatural endowments called spiritual gifts.

A spiritual gift is a supernatural ability given by God to help us advance His Kingdom.

Romans 12:6a – “Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them.”

Gifts – Charisma: from the word charis, which is grace. A charisma is a gift of grace, a free gift, a spiritual endowment.

The Greatest Gift is the gift of Jesus Christ and Eternal Life in Him.

Romans 6:23 – “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Jesus is the greatest Gift, but we are given spiritual gifts in Him, to touch the world through Him.

Romans 12:6a – “Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them.” 

What truths do you see in this verse?

a. Every believer is spiritually gifted.

b. Every believer is gifted in different ways.

c. These gifts are gifts of grace. They are unearned.

d. We are called to step out in faith and use these gifts for the Glory of God.

This verse brings several important questions to us:

1. Do you know what your spiritual gifts are?

2. If not, how can you discover them?

3. If you know at least some of them, are you using them for the Glory of God?

Peter Wagoner – Spiritual Gift Test                                  Rick Warren – SHAPE TEST

Three lists of spiritual gifts in the New Testament:

1. Gifts of the Father – Motivational Gifts – Romans 12:6-8 – Seven Gifts

a. Prophecy – speaking the truth in love

b. Service – meeting the needs of others

c. Teaching – ability to communicate information in a way others will learn

d. Encouragement – coming alongside people to lift them up

e. Giving – supernatural heart of generosity

f. Leadership – standing in front, using influence for the glory of God

g. Mercy – walking in compassion and empathy for others


2. Gifts of the Son – Ephesians 4:11 – Five Gifts

a. Apostles – Oversee areas of the Body of Christ, Pioneer new works for God

b. Prophets – Office of the Prophet, One who speaks forth the Father’s Heart, Agabus in the N.T.

c. Evangelist – Supernatural calling to preach the Gospel and equip believers to share

d. Pastor – Shepherd of God’s people

e. Teacher – Office of Teacher, Supernatural ability to explain the Word.


3. Gifts of the Spirit – 1 Corinthians 12:8-10

 a. The Power to Know

1. Words of Wisdom

2. Words of Knowledge

3. Discerning of Spirits

b. The Power to do

1. Faith

2. Healings

3. Miracles

c. The Power to Say

1. Tongues

2. Interpretation of Tongues

3. Prophecy


The gifts of the Spirit are power tools to build the Kingdom of God. 

The gifts of the Spirit can flow through any believer to meet any need for the Glory of God.

The Power to Know – Gifts of Revelation

Words of Wisdom – Supernatural solutions to challenging problems. The right word at the right time.

Words of Knowledge – Revelation from the Holy Spirit about a person or situation.

Discerning of Spirits – Supernatural revelation about the source of a person’s bondage.

Joy Church