7-11-21 | Unstoppable Faith
To carry the Gospel forward with unstoppable faith you should:
1. Expect Resistance
Acts 14:5 – “Then a mob of Gentiles and Jews, along with their leaders, decided to attack and stone them.”
Acts 14:19 – “Then some Jews arrived from Antioch and Iconium and won the crowds to their side. They stoned Paul and dragged him out of town, thinking he was dead.”
Acts 14:22 – “Where they strengthened the believers. They encouraged them to continue in the faith, reminding them that we must suffer many hardships to enter the Kingdom of God.”
Matthew 10:34-35 – “Don’t imagine that I came to bring peace to the earth! I came not to bring peace, but a sword. ‘I have come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.’”
Matthew 10:36-37 – “‘Your enemies will be right in your own household!’ If you love your father or mother more than you love Me, you are not worthy of being Mine; or if you love your son or daughter more than Me, you are not worthy of being Mine.”
Matthew 10:38-39 – “If you refuse to take up your cross and follow Me, you are not worthy of being Mine. If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for Me, you will find it.”
2 Timothy 3:12 – “Yes, and everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.”
2. Find Your Circle
Acts 14:20 – “But as the believers gathered around him, he got up and went back into the town. The next day he left with Barnabas for Derbe.”
Acts 14:26-27 – “Finally, they returned by ship to Antioch of Syria, where their journey had begun. The believers there had entrusted them to the grace of God to do the work they had now completed. Upon arriving in Antioch, they called the church together and reported everything God had done through them and how He had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles, too.”
Discussion Questions:
1. How do you handle rejection?
2. Is fear of rejection a significant driver in your life?
3. Would you say, for the most part, folks around you like you? Why or why not?
4. Share the names of people in your circle (or ideas of people to form your circle if you have none).
5. Who are you accountable to, who do you bring reports about your life and the work of God to to celebrate?